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Reflective Essay

I started this course not feeling very confident in my writing skills, I felt like my writing skills were not at the level they needed to be for college. This course has helped me gain that confidence and showed me ways to format my essay and learn skills that I will use as I further my schooling in college or once I get into my career. This course helped me organize my thoughts and structure my essays easier with the help of lectures and examples my professor provided. 

The main topics for my argumentative and rhetorical essay was about bullying, especially the effects bullying left with it and how those scars could affect you early if left untreated. These essays helped me develop better ways to get my points across when it came to the topic of bullying. For example, with using the PPE format for my argumentative essay, I used this format to explain how bullying would cause students to feel they did not have a voice to defend themselves, being afraid to speak up and would back those claims with credible sources to further prove my point. This format helped me with these essays to organize my thoughts as well as structure my essay more professionally.  

One of my low points while being in this course is grammar issues. I would find new ways to say words so I could extend my vocabulary. I would find new ways to make my essays sound college level and even try to make my essays sound professional and well-structured. Instead of finding myself "happy” to describe an emotion of happiness, I would use the words “content” or “delighted” to better express myself. This really pushed me to develop my vocabulary and writing, so what started off a turbulence start, ended up being a blessing as it helped me during the duration of the course. 

Overall, this course has elevated my writing and given me confidence in my writing skills. This course has shaped and sharpened my skills for my future, whether that be for future projects or even in my career. I have learned to organize my thoughts better instead of my essays just being written with no direction or organization and my vocabulary has elevated to a whole new level. I would most certainly take this course as it has been very beneficial not only for my college career, but even for my future career in whatever I choose to major in. 

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